Food, sex & bodies

Exploring ways to live with more pleasure, purpose and vitality.

Just a friendly nudge that the info here is like a basic roadmap — helpful for general guidance but not specific to your route. For advice that’s a perfect fit, reach out to your existing healthcare team or schedule an appointment.

Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

Uncover what’s most important with a values stocktake

“What do I want?” “Who do I want to be?”” How do I want to live my life?”

These questions are fundamental to our way of moving through the world. But the answers are not always easy to find. They are not set in stone. They change as our lives do.

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

When it comes to sensuality, What do you like or dislike?

Sex, sensuality and intimate communication can be one of the most important aspects of our lives and relationships. It can impact how we feel about ourselves. How we relate to our partners. And how we experience our world physically/with our senses.

Considering it’s such a crucial part of life, you’d think we’d be more broadly taught how to do it.

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

True healing isn’t found in isolation. Self-help isn’t enough.

How often do you hear about self-help, self-healing and self-love?In our individualist society, and our individualistic health system, we have an incessant focus on developing self-connection.

“You’ve gotta love yourself before you can love anyone else.”
“No one can tell you who you are.”
“You already have all the answers you need.”

These are nice ideas that support our independence and individualism. The problem is that relational issues – the way we relate to ourselves, others and the world around us – need relationships to heal fully and completely. 

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

Are you in fight or flight? This is where it started.

Imagine you are back in time, living in a way that is more integrated with the natural environment.  You are sitting in the wilderness, sharing a meal with your tribe, family and friends. As you look into the distance, you see a shift in the movement of the grass. 

Instantly, before your brain can catch up, your body experiences a surge of chemicals. Your eyes widen, your heart races, your breathing increases. You feel a surge of energy moving towards your limbs. Your body is ready to run.

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

Why I stopped the Larapinta Trail — Not just blisters, but boundaries.

I used to pride myself on being tough. Tenacious. Determined. I was willing to be uncomfortable to get things done. I could stick it out even when it hurt. As a doctor, that often meant ignoring my body’s demands for food, sleep or even the bathroom, because people needed help.

Now, I am at a point where I want to do what my body needs. And my recent expedition to hike the 220km Larapinta Trail truly put that to the test.

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

Burnout is not a ‘you’ problem.

Burnout. It’s not a ‘you’ problem. And yet – It does require a ‘you’ solution. 

Burnout is a word that is becoming common in our daily language. It is a well known phenomenon in high-performance careers, and especially in the healthcare space. 

Healthcare clinicians are burning out at very high rates – and it’s not just a personal health issue, it’s a public health issue.

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

Tired all the time? Let’s tend to the garden

Tiredness. Exhaustion. Weakness. Fogginess. No energy or vitality. These are all ways to describe fatigue – that feeling of constant tiredness that doesn’t get better even after you rest. 

It’s one of the most common reasons people see a GP in Australia. But just because fatigue is common, it does not mean you have to live with it. It does not mean “that’s just how it is”. It does not mean that it can’t get better.

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

All the things we’re told about our bodies — And why I’m calling bullsh*t.

Do you ever feel like wherever you turn, modern beauty and body culture has a megaphone to your ear telling you how you should look? Telling you what to think and feel about your body? Telling you that you should be toned – no, thin – no, curvy – but not too curvy!?

Sometimes it seems like we are the audience for a never-ending fear campaign about bodies that don’t fit this month’s ideal. It’s no wonder we start to believe it.

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

5 things to know about low libido

Low libido. Low sexual desire. Low sexual interest.  It’s one of the most common reasons that people seek sex therapy.

And if you’re struggling with it, I want you to know this – there is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken. You can have more.

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Ashlea Broomfield Ashlea Broomfield

Why is pleasure important – and what can stop us from fully embodying it?

Pleasure.  It’s something we know we want, but we can’t always say how it actually feels or identify how it shows up in our lives. 

When we think of pleasure, we tend to think of sex or sensuality – and whilst being in touch with our pleasure can enhance sexual experiences – it is so much bigger than that.

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